

The articles and Patient leaflets published on this Blogg , have been originally written for the Geraldton Guardian's forthnightly Health Matters section or the - General Practice Website. I have researched topics , i wrote about, as thoroughly as I could and have listed sources at the end of each article. They are by no means purely scientific but reflect general medical opinion at the time of writing . Medicine and Health news move past, and some of the advice and opinions, will become outdated. Guardian articles were limited to about 400 words , which sometimes made the offering of a comprehensive view difficult if not imperfect. These articles shouldn't be used as replacement for propper medical professional advice and treatment and you are encouraged to seek medical advice and treatment from your doctor , pharmacist, appropriate specialist (physio, chiro...) on matters , if you are concerned.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Swine flue Myths and Common Sense

If you listened to the news in the last week , you could well have been made believe , that the biblical plagues are hitting us all at once. Now while it is reasonable to show some concern, preparation and planning, it is important to keep things in perspective .

An apparently complete new strain of influenza virus, with characteristics only shown in other human, bird, and pig viruses seems to be behind a flu outbreak originating from Mexico. This new modification of the already known H1N1 virus gets transmitted by droplets between humans and causes the usual flu symptoms of fever , runny nose, congestion, sore throat or cough. There has been so far only a single death outside Mexico in a toddler travelling from Mexico, a significant number of deaths attributed to swine flue in Mexico were propably due to alternative causes, there hasn’t been a single case confirmed in Australia so far, most cases of flue outside Mexico have been reported as mild. The virus is responsive to Tamiflu and Relenza (medications), which both are stockpiled sufficiently in Australia. More so simple hygienic measures, would help to contain the spread of the virus, should he hit Australia. Currently you are only at risk if you have travelled to Mexico, USA and Canada during the last 7 days or have been in close contact with confirmed and or propable cases of swine flue. Should you develop above mentioned flu symptoms and be at risk:
- stay at home keep your social distance to others , wear a mask when around others. , (Masks seem to work - even surgical ones!)
- talk to a medical professional ideally over the phone, before you go and see them, this helps reduction of spread
- Make yourself known on arrival to reception staff, so you can be issued a mask and kept at a distance.
- Rest , drink plenty of fluids , take simple analgesics and over the counter medicines
- Keep cough and sneezing etikette (cover up)
- Wash your hands regularly, clean surfaces regularly

Pending circumstance and local situation, there will be different pathways to access tests and treatment ,via an extra set up flue clinic next or through our public health unit or local GP clinics and a combination of above. Antivirals , which have arrived in Geraldton, will be distributed only where indicated, following strict clinical guidance on a need basis and only under the supervision of our local public health unit. This is currently indicated for confirmed cases as well as close contacts of cases within 48 hours of sympoms or contact only..
Find Further information :
- Swine Influenza Hotline 18 02 007
- Health Direct: 1800 022 222
- or
Seasonal Flue vaccine remains recommended ,even though the new virus is likely not covered by it.
It remains safe to eat pork and drink corona , well within safe recommended limits, that is.
- Dr Maris Giles from Public Health Geraldton- Dep. Of Health WA
- Australian Medical Association on Swine Flu
- Above websites
- Interview with Prof Raina Mcintyre on ABC Health

Helko SchenkGMG
4 5 2009

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