

The articles and Patient leaflets published on this Blogg , have been originally written for the Geraldton Guardian's forthnightly Health Matters section or the - General Practice Website. I have researched topics , i wrote about, as thoroughly as I could and have listed sources at the end of each article. They are by no means purely scientific but reflect general medical opinion at the time of writing . Medicine and Health news move past, and some of the advice and opinions, will become outdated. Guardian articles were limited to about 400 words , which sometimes made the offering of a comprehensive view difficult if not imperfect. These articles shouldn't be used as replacement for propper medical professional advice and treatment and you are encouraged to seek medical advice and treatment from your doctor , pharmacist, appropriate specialist (physio, chiro...) on matters , if you are concerned.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Infertility and your lifestyle

Fact : 15 % of Australian couples in their reproductive age encounter problems to conceive naturally – have a fertility problem. Seems shockingly high to you , they obviously don’t talk about it. Causes for infertility are 40% female and 40 % male in origin, so see the doctor as a couple if things don’t work out.
If you meet the right one have sex regularly every 3 days or so , sperms survives 3-7 days the egg for 24 hours only. Timing of intercourse around ovulation probably doesn’t work and stresses couples out. And stress including at work definitely has a negative effect on conception and sex life. To much relaxation in the use of alcohol over recommended limits or use of cannabis , cocaine affects sperm quality as well as ovulation. The same goes for smoking. Don’t leave family planning to late, the biological clock is ticking!! Women and men have the highest ability to conceive in their early twenties, above age 35 the chance to conceive drops in both sexes to half. 17 in 20 couples wanting children conceive in their Ist year of trying, 19 in 20 in the 2nd year. So see your doctor for a review as a couple after one year of regular intercourse. You need to visit your GP earlier if you have other medical problems, are over age 35 , have erratic , disturbed or no periods at all.
Moderate exercise is good for male and female fertility , excessive exercise suppresses ovulation and overheats testes and so negatively affects chances. Needless to mention that anabolic steroids but also other medications, including natural remedies can affect sperm counts and egg delivery. Other factors likely with negative effect on male sperm are regular hot bathing, sauna attendance, tight underwear. Prevent STD’s by using condoms as they reduce male and female fertility in later age. Aim for a medical optimum weight (Body mass index 20-25) particularly if you a women as your ovulation might be impaired otherwise. Good news for “tearoom junkies” , coke , coffee or tea have no effect on family planning.
Women should take folic acid when wanting to fall pregnant , seek vaccination against flu , chickenpox and rubella prior pregnancy. Both partners should aim for a healthy and relaxed lifestyle , have a good balanced diet, avoid environmental poisons ( lead , radiation, pesticides, toxic chemicals ) ,plan for a family early and don’t forget to have regular sex.

Helko Schenk
Geraldton Medical Group
29 9 2009

- GP lecture by fertilitynorth 16 9 09

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