

The articles and Patient leaflets published on this Blogg , have been originally written for the Geraldton Guardian's forthnightly Health Matters section or the - General Practice Website. I have researched topics , i wrote about, as thoroughly as I could and have listed sources at the end of each article. They are by no means purely scientific but reflect general medical opinion at the time of writing . Medicine and Health news move past, and some of the advice and opinions, will become outdated. Guardian articles were limited to about 400 words , which sometimes made the offering of a comprehensive view difficult if not imperfect. These articles shouldn't be used as replacement for propper medical professional advice and treatment and you are encouraged to seek medical advice and treatment from your doctor , pharmacist, appropriate specialist (physio, chiro...) on matters , if you are concerned.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Insomnia , Sleep problems

Insomnia , difficulty to fall asleep, maintain sleep, or early waking seem to be incredibly common , in fact repeated studies have shown that up to 30 % of the Australian population suffer or perceive to suffer from poor sleep. Sleep deprivation is used as psychological torture but yet few people have died in the natural world of lack of sleep. Sleep , length and needs are often overrated and lead to anxiety and worry which in turn reinforce sleep disturbance – a very vicious cycle to break. Sleep need vary hugely between people and generally fall from 17 hours in babies to 8 hours to 30y-somethings and less than 6 hours in the elderly. Important is a fresh and regular awakening.
A number of reasons for sleeplessness are accepted, age might be a normal cause, medical reasons like the need to pass water more often overnight, pain , breathing problems , medicines taken for other conditions , smoking before bed time, excess and late use of alcohol and drugs, stress , bereavement, anxiety , depression can all cause poor sleep. Have a chat with your doctor , or get some information to explore sleep hygiene and causes you can correct yourself like room temperature , comfortable bedding , darkness of room and reduced noise exposure. Good leaflets are available at “Insomnia”, “Sleep problems” pulse series “INsomnia” ,”Do natural Sleep Pills work?”
Australian Sleep association “Insomnia & Sleep health”
Advice on good Sleep hygiene can be found there or in discussion with your Doctor/psychologist. Simple things to remember is not to worry about sleep, to stay active , not to take naps, have a bedtime routine, No to coffee , nicotine, tea , chocolate and other stimulants. If not able to sleep get up read a boring book or watch a boring programme , drink a hot malty or milky drink and return when tired.
Medications while effective in the short term (sedating antihistamines , benzos…) have side effects , quickly become useless and some can lead to rapid addiction and dependence. Modern ones especially if used with alcohol (Zopilone/ Zolpidem) can have bizarre side effects but might still be safer to use. (Night walking)

Beware natural therapies of unproven effect and composition, While prescription Melatonin (Sleephormone) might have a place in treatment of severe jet lag or psychiatric illness , over the counter melatonin is severely diluted and propably not effective. Some Antidepressants are sedating and might be a safe option but should be reserved for underlying emotional issues , which if improved can better sleep dramatically. Try to self diagnose , better sleep routine and hygiene but see your doctor if you suspect underlying medical , emotional issues as discussed above .

Geraldton 9 2 2010

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